DSD-2.5-FIFO and LIFO Buffers
FIFO and LIFO Buffers
First-In First-Out Buffer (FIFO)
• It is digital device/block to regulate flow of data received in irregular time intervals
• Data can be read while the data fill up the buffer
M x N-bit (or simply M x N) FIFO indicates a capacity of M data word, N-bit each.
External Interface
entity FIFO_MN is
generic (N: positive := 4; M: positive := 4);
port ( D_IN: in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
Read_WriteN: in std_logic;
Enable: in std_logic;
Reset: in std_logic;
CLK: in std_logic;
D_OUT: out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
Empty, Full: out std_logic);
end FIFO_MN;
GENERIC(常数名 数据类型 := 设定值);
在例化时应该加generic map来修改不同需求下的元件例化参数
Suppose we want to implement a M x N FIFO, it is clearly that we will need at least M x N D flip flops to store the bits.
we make use of the N M-bit shift register to build the FIFO
when a new word is added, each of the bits in this word will be shifted into the N shift registers separately.
the older words are also shifted, therefore it is important that we remember where the oldest word is by a counter of a suitable size.
If it is full, we should read the output (and free the space) before we can receive more word(s); otherwise the buffer overflows
Overflow a buffer should be avoided at all costs. i.e. don’t write when Full = 1
Last-In First-Out Buffer (LIFO)
push-down stack.
• Data words are pushed down into the buffer.
• The last word that goes into the stack (push) will be the first one be taken out (pop).
PUSH place a word onto the top of stack
POP remove a word from the top of stack
entity LIFO_MN is
generic (N: positive := 4; M: positive := 4);
port ( D_IN: in std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
Push_PopN, Enable, Reset: in std_logic;
CLK: in std_logic;
D_OUT: out std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
Empty, Full: out std_logic);
end LIFO_MN;
shift register has to shift to both left and right, so that after a word is shifted in to the right (push), it can be shifted out to the left (pop, last in first out).
use N M-bit bi-directional shift registers to build the LIFO
when a new word is added (push), each of the bits will be shifted right into the N shift registers in parallel. At the same time, the older words are all shifted right.
the top of the stack is always at the leftmost.
When it is full, we should pop data out before we push more words in ; otherwise the buffer overflows, which means that bottom of the stack - AAword0 is lost permanently