1.1-Threads and Concurrency in Java(上)
Threads and Concurrency in Java(上)
1. Jvm is a process
A Java application runs by default in one process(java 一般在一个进程里运行)
Within a Java application, you work with several threads to achieve pseudo-parallel processing or asynchronous behaviour. You can take advantage of different cores.
(pseudo parallel)
The starting point of a Java program is the main method
对于java程序来说,当在DOS命令窗口中输入:java HelloWorld 回车之后。会先启动JVM,而JVM就是一个进程。JVM再启动一个主线程调用main方法(main方法就是主线程)。同时再启动一个垃圾回收线程负责看护,回收垃圾。最起码,现在的java程序中至少有两个线程并发,一个是 垃圾回收线程,一个是 执行main方法的主线程。
2. Processes and Threads
A process runs independently and isolated from other processes.
A process cannot directly access shared data in other processes.
进程A和进程B的 内存独立不共享
, 无法共享资源,但可以通过socket或者http通信
The resources of the process, e.g. memory and CPU time, are allocated to it via the operating system.
A thread is a “lightweight process”.

Each has its own call stack
Can access shared data of other threads in the same process.
Every thread has its own memory cache.
If a thread reads shared data, it stores this data in its own memory cache. A thread can re‐read the shared data
和 方法区
内存共享。但是 栈内存
3. Key Concepts in concurrent programming
<1> Atomicity(原子的) :
• An operation is said atomic when it cannot be interrupted.
• Once it starts is always completes
• One example assignment a = 5
Non‐atomic operation: It can be interrupted
Atomic operation: It cannot be interrupted
<2>**Visibility **(可见性)
<3>Order of execution(有序性) :
The order of execution is not guaranteed !
<4> Critical code:
– A part of code that must only be executed by a single thread at one time
4. Two methods of creating threads
Two ways of giving the Thread the run method
Passing your class (object )(with a run() method) into a new Thread object
Extending the Thread class
<1> Useing Runnable interface
Runnable is an Interface that requires you to implement a run() method
must implement(override) run() , which includes the code needs to be executed in this thread
public class construct_Thread_2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MyRunnable mr=new MyRunnable();
Thread mt=new Thread(mr);
for(int i=0;i<1000;i++){
class MyRunnable implements Runnable{
public void run() {
for(int i=0;i<1000;i++){
package ThreadsLecture1;
public class Order implements Runnable {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Order order = new Order();
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
Thread thread = new Thread(order);
thread.setName("Thread " + i); //设置线程名字
thread.start(); //用start开启线程(不是run)
public void run() {
String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
System.out.println("I'm running in thread‐" + threadName);
Using anonymous inner class:
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for(int i=0;i<10000;i++) {
Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable()
{ public void run() { // stuff here
} });
run() 不会启动线程,只是普通的调用方法而已。不会分配新的分支栈。(这种方式就是单线程。)start() 方法的作用是:启动一个分支线程,在JVM中开辟一个新的栈空间,这段代码任务完成之后,瞬间就结束了。这段代码的任务只是为了开启一个新的栈空间,只要新的栈空间开出来,start()方法就结束了。线程就启动成功了。
<2>Using Thread class
Thread class
The Thread class is responsible for executing your stuff in a thread.
Your stuff is encapsulated in a run() method.
And the Thread class manages the running of the thread
Write a class that extends the Thread class
Override the run() method and insert all your code
You then tell Java to execute your extended Thread class
public class construct_Thread_1{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Mythread mt = new Mythread();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
class Mythread extends Thread {
public void run() {
for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) {
<3> which one is better
Implement the Runnable interface
With Method 2, you can only extend Thread. No other classes can be inherited by MyThread. Because Java only allows a class to extend one superclass
Using the Runnable interface allows a subclass of Thread to be used if required(“多继承”)
Thread has two constructors: one with no parameters, one with a runnable parameter
- target is the name of the parameter of type Runnable in the Thread constructor
- 有target用target的run(),无target用自己的
- the run() method in thread class:
public void run() {
if (target != null) {
Controlling threads
Can make a thread(this.currentThread()返回的thread) sleep for a certain number of milliseconds.
sleep(long millis)
You can only make the current Thread sleep
You cannot choose another thread you want to sleep
The thread will then **pause (suspend)**该线程将会被挂起
This will free up CPU time for other threads
public void run()
catch(InterruptedException e)
} }
This exception is thrown when a thread is interrupted
礼让线程让出cpu Allows other threads to take priority
the executing thread is suspended and the CPU is given to some other runnable thread.
This thread will wait until the CPU becomes available again. the executing thread is returned to the ready queue of the processor(处理器) and waits for its next turn.
Every Thread object contains an interrupt flag variable(boolean)
interrupt() 方法只是改变中断状态而已,它不会中断一个正在运行的线程。
Other threads may change this flag to interrupt the thread
The programmer decides how a thread responds to an interrupt
只是改变一个标志值,具体是否interrupt还看程序员怎么处理interrupt flag
t1.interrupt(), where t1 is the target thread we want to interrupt
- Methods(指自己定义的方法) should check this flag
If true: finish the method immediately (i.e. return)
If false: continue as normal
class MyThread extends Thread { public void run(){ for (int i=1; i<=5;i++) System.out.println(i); } } public static void main(String args[]){ MyThead t1 = new MyThread(); t1.start(); t1.interrupt(); }
该段代码是只更改标记但实际并未中断,因为run方法内未人为的check interrupt flag
class MyThread extends Thread { public void run(){ try{ Thread.sleep(1000); System.out.println(“Finished!"); } catch(InterruptedException e){ System.out.println(“I’m interrupted!”) System.exit(-1); } } } public static void main(String args[]){ MyThread t1 = new MyThread(); t1.start(); try{ t1.interrupt(); } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception handled "+e);} } }
这段代码使用sleep方法,该方法内部封装了check interrupt flag的过程,所以抛出异常,真正实现中断
How to interrupt a thread
thread.interrupt() sets the interrupted flag
Blocking methods, such Thread.sleep(), try to detect when a thread has been interrupted and return early.
They respond to interruption by clearing the setting the flag to false and throwing InterruptedException.
Why might we want to interrupt a thread?
- It is likely doing something that’s taking too long
2. Blocking is when a thread is prevented from doing anything
3. What if we were waiting for a thread to complete, but it had gone to sleep?
We might want to interrupt() it so we can continue
Interrupting a Thread:
• If any thread is in sleeping or waiting state (i.e. sleep() or wait() is invoked), calling the interrupt() method on the thread, breaks out the sleeping or waiting state throwing InterruptedException.
如果线程被Object.wait, Thread.join和Thread.sleep三种方法之一阻塞,此时调用该线程的interrupt()方法,那么该线程将抛出一个 InterruptedException中断异常(该线程必须事先预备好处理此异常),从而提早地终结被阻塞状态。
• If the thread is not in the sleeping or waiting state, calling the interrupt() method performs normal behaviour and doesn’t interrupt the thread but sets the interrupt flag to true.
如果线程没有被阻塞,这时调用 interrupt()将不起作用,只会改变flag的值
The 3 methods provided by the Thread class for interrupting a thread
public void interrupt()
public static boolean interrupted()
//测试当前线程是否中断。 该方法可以清除线程的中断状态 。 换句话说,如果这个方法被连续调用两次,那么第二个调用将返回false
public boolean isInterrupted()
概括interrupt mechanism
Invoking interrupt on a target thread sets interrupt flag
A thread may check for an interrupt (by itself) by invoking the static method Thread.interrupted()(then automatically cleared)
one thread can check the interrupt status of another by using the non-static isInterrupted()(not clear the flag)
用来coordinate threads
use the join() method of the Thread class which will pause until the other thread has finished
} catch(InterruptedException e){
alive :started but not dead(正在运行或者runnable)
3 ways to terminate a thread
Method 1: finish the thread naturally
doing nothing
use a shared Boolean
变量用volatile修饰,保证了不同线程对共享变量操作的可见性,也就是说一个线程修改了 volatile 修饰的变量,当修改后的变量写回主内存时,其他线程能立即看到最新值。
class MyThread extends Thread{
public void run()
//Do something..
//Finish naturally…
class MyThread extends Thread{
private volatile boolean pleaseFinish = false;
public void run()
//Periodically check for pleaseFinish to be
// set to true
public void finishThreadPlease()
{pleaseFinish = true;}
If a thread is in a non-runnable state, setting a stop flag variable will have no effect!
A thread is in a non-runnable state if
– Its sleep method is invoked
– The thread calls the wait method to wait for a specific condition to be satisfied
– The thread is blocking on I/O
Method 2: daemon(守护) threads
守护线程类似保姆,进程中所有用户线程parent thread结束后守护线程也没有必要存在,自动销毁(如 GC)
– The worker thread continues to run after the parent thread has finished
– The worker thread terminates when the parent thread terminates
setDeamon() before starting the thread
public void run(){
WorkerThread t1 = new WorkerThread();
//Do Something…
//this thread completes
//t1 will also be terminated
Method 3: interrupt the thread
By catching an InterruptedException and then stop the thread
thread.interrupt()will not automatically stop a thread unless you programme it to do so
public void run()
for (int i = 0; i < importantInfo.length; i++)
try { Thread.sleep(4000); }
catch(InterruptedException e){return;}
} }
an InterruptedException is **only **automatically thrown when in sleep() or wait() ,hava to throw it manuly
catch(InterruptedException e)
//Do nothing…
public void run() {
//Doing some heavy operations
try {
catch(InterruptedException e) {
Thread 状态
新建( new )
当新建一个线程后,该线程处于新建状态,此时它和 Java对象一样,仅仅由Java 虚拟机为其分配内存空间,并初始化成员变量。同时已经有了相应的内存空间和其他资源,但是尚未运行start()方法。 -
就绪(Runnable )
当线程有资格运行,但调度程序还没有把它选定为运行线程时线程所处的状态。当start()方法调用时,线程首先进人就绪状态。在线程运行之后或者从阻塞状态回来后,也返回到就绪状态。 -
运行( Running )
阻塞( Blocked )
阻塞状态是线程因为某种原因放弃CPU使用权,暂时停止运行。直到线程进入就绪状态,才有机会转到运行状态。运行的线程执行wait()方法,JVM会把该线程放入等待池中。运行的线程执行sleep()或join()方法,或者发出了IO 请求时,JVM 会把该线程置为阻塞状态。当sleep()状态超时、join()等待线程终止或者超时、或者I/O处理完毕时,线程重新转入就绪状态。
死亡(Dead )