06-Serial Communication (UART)
Serial Communication (UART)
Serial vs Parallel
Serial: one bit is presented per cycle (N clock periods)
Parallel: N bits together at a cycle (1 clock period)
Serial Communication
Tradeoff: the latency/efficiency is lower
Half Duplex:是双向传输但是不能同时进行
Full Duplex:可以同时双向收发

- 发送端:encode the stream
- 例如,
'A' = 0x41=b"01000001"
- 例如,
- 接收端:decode the stream
- 为了成功通信,系统在传输过程中必须保持同步。
- ==Synchronous==:系统使用统一的时钟
- ==Asynchronous==:系统使用分开的时钟
Synchronous Transmission

- 使用移位寄存器和一个时钟信号完成串并转换
**同步:**与数据信号一起的称为explicit clock(显式时钟信号)
an explicit clock signal is along with the data signal
Asynchronous Transmission
==使用不同的时钟==Separate clocks
- 正确解码的前提:接收机必须与发射机同步采样。
- 所以,我们必须定期重新同步以确保时钟保持同步。
为了解决同步问题,我们使用==Asynchronous Communication Protocol==
Asynchronous Comm. Protocol
- Start bit:接收器同步的起始位(感应到这个就开始同步)
- Data bits:传输的word的data
- Stop bit:表示该帧已传输完

接收机检测Start bit前沿,然后将其作为采样数据线的timing reference,在时间$T_{bit}*(N+1.5)$内提取N个数据比特

Data Frame格式
Start bit:1个bit
Parity Bit:(可选)用于检测数据中是否有error
Stop bit:1个bit或者2个bits
All devices must use the same communications parameters
- 例如通信速度(300波特、600、1200、2400、9600、14400、19200等)
Sophisticated network protocols have more information in each data
• Medium access control – when multiple nodes are on bus, they must arbitrate for permission to transmit
• Addressing information – for which node is this message intended?
• Larger data payload
• Stronger error detection or error correction information
• Request for immediate response (“in-frame”)
Error Detection
Can send additional information to verify data was received correctly
Need to specify which parity to expect: even, odd or none(指定校验模式)
• 01110111 has 6 “1” bits, so parity bit will be 1 for odd parity, 0 for even parity
• 01100111 has 5 “1” bits, so parity bit will be 0 for odd parity, 1 for even parity
Single parity bit detects if 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 bits are corrupted, but doesn’t detect an even number of corrupted bits
Stronger error detection codes (e.g. Cyclic Redundancy Check) exist and use multiple bits (e.g. 8, 16), and can detect many more corruptions.
• Advantages: simple & inexpensive
• Disadvantages: high overhead because of start and stop bits: 2 / 10 (or more) of bandwidth.
synchronous communication protocol
A common clock signal solves synchronisation problem: more efficient (but more complex) than asynchronous
separate clock and data lines
encode clock in the data steam e.g. Manchester coding
Asynchronous protocol – RS232C
RS232C: Recommended Standard number 232 revision Commonly used asynchronous standard
It specifies voltages in Reversed Polarity.(电压反极性表示)
-3V to -15V = “Mark” or Logic ‘1’
3V to 15V = “Space” or Logic ‘0’
DTE = Data Terminal Equipment
DCE = Data Communications Equipment
Full duplex communication link between DTE1 and DTE2.
DTE1 TXD is effectively connected to DTE2 RXD.
DTE2 TXD is effectively connected to DTE1 RXD
RS232C: Flow Control
Request-to-send (RTS) and clear-to-send (CTS) allow hardware control of the data flow.
Parsing Messages – decoding content from received BITs
Two types of messages:
• Actual binary data sent
• First identify message type
• Second, based on this message type, copy binary data from message fields into variables
• May need to use pointers and casting to get code to translate formats correctly and safely -
ASCII text characters representing data sent
• First identify message type
• Second, based on this message type, translate (parse) the data from the ASCII message format into a binary format
• Third, copy the binary 将二进制数据复制到变量中
Example Binary Serial Data: TSIP
switch (id) {
case 0x84:
lat = *((double *)(&msg[0]));
lon = *((double *)(&msg[8]));
alt = *((double *)(&msg[16]));
clb = *((double *)(&msg[24]));
tof = *((float *)(&msg[32]));
case 0x4A: …
The Trimble Standard Interface Protocol (TSIP) allows you to control the GPS receiver and set GPS configuration parameters.
Example ASCII Serial Data: NMEA-0183
• $ denotes the start of a message
• ID is a two letter mnemonic to describe the source of data, e.g. GP signifies GPS
• MSG is a three letter mnemonic to describe the message content.
• Commas are used to delaminate the data fields.
• Dn represents each of the data fields.
• * is used to separate the data from the checksum.
• CS contains two ASCII characters representing the hex value of the checksum.
• \r\n is the carriage return character followed by the new line character to denote
the end of a message.
NMEA 0183接口标准在全球许多行业领域使用。该标准定义了4800波特串行数据总线的电信号要求、数据传输协议和时间以及特定的句子格式
当状态机处于Start状态时,它等待接收到一个字符。如果接收到的字符是’$‘,则状态机将切换到Talker状态。否则,它将保持在Start状态。 当状态机处于Talker状态时,它等待接收两个字母作为数据源标识符,并将其存储在缓冲区中。一旦接收到两个字母,状态机将切换到Sentence Type状态。 当状态机处于Sentence Type状态时,它等待接收三个字母作为消息类型标识符,并将其存储在缓冲区中。一旦接收到三个字母,状态机将切换到Sentence Body状态。 当状态机处于Sentence Body状态时,它等待接收逗号分隔的数据字段,并将每个字段存储在缓冲区中。一旦接收到星号(’*'),则表示消息体已经结束,并且校验和即将开始。此时,状态机将切换到Checksum 1 状态。 当状态机处于Checksum 1 状态时,它等待接收校验和的第一个十六进制字符,并将其存储在缓冲区中。一旦接收到第一个字符,则会切换到Checksum 2 状态。 当状态机处于Checksum 2 状态时,它等待接收校验和的第二个十六进制字符,并将其存储在缓冲区中。一旦接收到第二个字符,则状态机将计算校验和并检查其是否正确。如果校验和正确,则状态机将传递缓冲区中存储的完整消息给下一个处理步骤。否则,它将丢弃该消息并重新开始解析过程
Asynchronous / Synchronous serial (USART) Communications
STM32f401 features
STM32F401是一款微控制器,它包含了多个通信接口,其中之一就是USART(Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter)。USART是一种通用的同步/异步收发器,可以实现全双工通信。它支持NRZ标准格式
• Full duplex, asynchronous communications==全双工,异步==
• NRZ standard format (Mark/Space)用NRZ来传号和传空
• Configurable oversampling method by 16 or by 8 to give flexibility between speed and clock tolerance
• Fractional baud rate generator systems
• Programmable data word length (8 or 9 bits) Data word的长度可以设置为8bits或者9bits
• Configurable stop bits - support for 1 or 2 stop bits 可以设置stop bits的长度,1或2 bit
• Parity control
• Four error detection flags
• Ten interrupt sources with flags
• Synchronous mode
• Hardware flow control mode
USART modes
Normal mode-TX pin and RX pin are used:
• RX: Receive Data Input is the serial data input
• TX: Transmit Data Output. When the transmitter is disabled, the output pin returns to its I/O port configuration. When the transmitter is enabled and nothing is to be transmitted, the TX pin is at high level.
Synchronous mode- CLK pin is used in addition to Tx and RX
Hardware flow control mode
- CTS:clear to send,有效电平为低(阻断发送)
- RTS:用来指示USART以及准备好接收数据了,有效电平为低
Software Structure
通信和程序是异步的 - 不知道程序会执行什么代码【不知道什么时候收到消息】
- 不知道下一个item什么时候来
- 不知道当前的item什么时候完成传输
- 不知道有没有error发生
Need to synchronize between program and serial communication
interface somehow. Two options:
• Wait until data is available
• Simple but inefficient of processor time
• CPU interrupts program when data is available
• Efficient, but more complex
Serial Communications and Interrupts
Want to provide multiple threads of control in the program
• Main program (and subroutines it calls)
• Transmit ISR – executes when serial interface is ready to send another character
• Receive ISR – executes when serial interface receives a character
• Error ISR(s) – execute if an error occurs
Need a way of buffering information between threads
• Solution: circular queue with head and tail pointers(循环队列)
• One for TX, one for RX
Code to Implement Queues
Enqueue(入队列) at tail: tail is the index of the next free entry
Dequeue (出队列)from head: head is the index of the item to remove
Queue size is initialised and stored in size
• One queue per direction(TX RX各有一个队列)
• TX ISR unloads tx_q
• RX ISR loads rx_q
Need to wrap pointer at end of buffer to make it circular,
• Use % (modulus, remainder) operator if queue size is not power of two
tail = (tail + 1) % 10;
• Use & (bitwise and) if queue size is a power of two
tail = (tail + 1) & 15;
- ==判断队列空==:
tail == head
- ==判断队列满==:
(tail + 1) % size == head
Defining and initializing Queues
typedef struct {
uint8_t *data; //!< Array of data, stored on the heap.
uint32_t head; //!< Index in the array of the oldest element.
uint32_t tail; //!< Index in the array of the youngest element.
uint32_t size; //!< Size of the data array.
} Queue;
int queue_init(Queue *queue, uint32_t size) {
queue->data = (uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * size);
queue->head = 0;
queue->tail = 0;
queue->size = size;
// If malloc returns NULL (0) the allocation has failed.
return queue->data != 0;
int queue_is_full(Queue *queue) {
return ((queue->tail + 1) % queue->size) == queue->head;
int queue_is_empty(Queue *queue) {
return queue->tail == queue->head;
入队& 出队
使用queue_enqueue函数将要发送的数据存储在队列中,然后在tx_isr中从队列中读取数据并发送到USART。类似地,可以使用rx_isr从USART接收数据,并使用queue_dequeue函数将接收到的数据存储在uint8_t item中。
tx 入队
int queue_enqueue(Queue *queue, uint8_t item) {
if (!queue_is_full(queue)) {
queue->data[queue->tail++] = item;
queue->tail %= queue->size;
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
uint8_t 无符号8位整数 通常用于存储字节数据
int queue_dequeue(Queue *queue, uint8_t *item) {
if (!queue_is_empty(queue)) {
*item = queue->data[queue->head++];
queue->head %= queue->size;
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
Control registers
UE: USART使能位。当该位为1时,USART才能正常工作。
M: 字长位。当该位为0时,数据帧长度为8位;当该位为1时,数据帧长度为9位。
PCE: 奇偶校验使能位。当该位为1时,启用奇偶校验;当该位为0时,禁用奇偶校验。
PS: 奇偶校验选择位。当PCE=1时,PS=0表示选择偶校验;PS=1表示选择奇校验。
TE: 发送使能位。当该位为1时,允许发送数据。 - RE: 接收使能位。当该位为1时,允许接收数据。
OVER8: 过采样率选择位。当OVER8=0时,使用16倍过采样率;当OVER8=1时,使用8倍过采样率。
PEIE: 它的全称是Parity Error Interrupt Enable。当PEIE位被设置为1时,如果接收到的数据帧出现奇偶校验错误,将会产生一个奇偶校验错误中断。
- ADD[3:0]: 地址位。当LINEN=1时,ADD[3:0]表示从机地址;当LINEN=0时,ADD[3:0]表示节点地址。
- LBDL: LIN波特率检测长度位。当LINEN=1时,LBDL=0表示检测10个比特时间;LBDL=1表示检测11个比特时间。
- LBDIE: LIN波特率检测中断使能位。当LINEN=1且LBDIE=1时,在检测到LIN波特率错误时会产生一个中断。
- STOP[1:0]: 停止位长度位。STOP[1:0]=00表示使用1个停止位;STOP[1:0]=01表示使用0.5个停止位;STOP[1:0]=10表示使用2个停止位;STOP[1:0]=11保留。
- CLKEN: 时钟使能位。当该位为1时,允许外部时钟输入到USART。 - CPOL: 时钟极性选择位。当CLKEN=1时,CPOL为串行同步模式下的时钟极性选择位。
- CPHA: 时钟相位选择位。当CLKEN=1时,CPHA为串行同步模式下的时钟相位选择位。
Status register: USART_SR
- PE: 奇偶校验错误标志位。当接收到的数据帧出现奇偶校验错误时,该位被置为1。
- FE: 帧错误标志位。当接收到的数据帧出现帧错误(即停止位不正确)时,该位被置为1。
- NF: 噪声检测标志位。当接收到的数据帧中出现噪声时,该位被置为1。
- ORE: 溢出错误标志位。当接收缓冲区溢出时,该位被置为1。
- IDLE: 空闲线路状态标志位。当接收线路空闲一段时间后,该位被置为1。
- RXNE: 接收缓冲区非空标志位。当接收缓冲区中有未读取的数据时,该位被置为1。
- TC: 传输完成标志位。当发送数据完成后(包括最后一个停止位),该位被置为1。
- TXE: 发送缓冲区空标志位。当发送缓冲区为空时,该位被置为1。
Baud rate register: USART_BRR
USART Character description
• Word length (depends on M in USAR_CR1)
• TX pin is in low state during the start bit. It is in high state during the stop bit
• Idle character**😗* an entire frame of “1”s
• Break character: receiving “0”s for a frame period
USART Transmitter
当【USART_AR1中的】TE设定后,在transmit shift register中的数据会输出到TX上(LSB先出)
写入USART_DR(TDR)时将TXE(Transmit buffer empty)标清除。
TXE set by HW if:
• Data moved from TDR to the shift register- Data TX started
• TDR register is empty.
• Next data can be written in the USART_DR register
USART Receiver
当接收器在预期时间内未能识别到停止位(stop bit)时,就会发生帧错误,并且USART_SR寄存器中的FE位会被设置为1。FE位通过USART_SR寄存器读操作和USART_DR寄存器读操作复位。
USART Baud Rate generation
The baud rate for Rx and TX are both set to the same value as programmed in the Mantissa and Fraction values of USARTDIV in USART_BRR.
OVER8在使用16 oversampling的时候设为0;当使用8 oversampling的时候设为1
是一个在USART_BRR寄存器上编码的unsigned fix number。
- 0x1BC转为二进制为11011 1100,取前五位为Mantissa,后四位为Fraction【永远用四位为Fraction,是固定的,最多12位表示整数】
The lower the CPU clock the lower the accuracy for a particular baud rate.
USART Parity check
• Parity control = generation of parity bit in transmission and parity checking in reception.
• Enabled by setting the PCE bit in the USART_CR1.
SB:开始位 STB:结束位 PB:校验位
M控制 9比特(1) 8比特(0)
Even parity: obtain an even number of “1s” inside the frame made of data bits and the parity bit. E.g.: data=00110101; 4 bits set=> parity bit will be 0 (PS bit in USART_CR1 = 0).
Odd parity: obtain an odd number of “1s” inside the frame made of data bits and the parity bit. E.g.: data=00110101; 4 bits set => parity bit will be 1 (PS bit inUSART_CR1 = 1).