互联网协议-Chapter 3 Network Layer
Network Layer
network-layer functions
▪forwarding: move packets from router’s input to appropriate router output(数据平面)路由器内
▪routing: determine route taken by packets from source to destination(控制平面)整个过程
Network layer
transport datagram from sending to receiving host
on sending side encapsulates segments into datagrams(把TCP报文段封装为IP数据报)
on receiving side, delivers segments to transport layer(把报文段上交给传输层)
network layer 存在于主机和路由器之中,但是路由器只有下三层,不具备transport和application的功能
router examines header fields in all IP datagrams passing through it(路由器检查datagram的header)
data plane, control plane
Data plane
local, per-router function
determines how datagram arriving on router input port is forwarded to router output port
forwarding function
Control plane
network-wide logic
determines how datagram is routed among routers along end-end path from source host to destination host
two control-plane approaches:
• traditional routing algorithms: implemented in routers(每个路由器实现转发和路由)
• software-defined networking (SDN): implemented in (remote) servers
traditional routing algorithms: Per-router control plane
Individual routing algorithm components in each and every router interact in the control plane
software-defined networking *(SDN) :*Logically centralized control plane
A distinct (typically remote) controller interacts with local control agents (CAs)
Router architecture overview
Input port functions
decentralized switching*:*分布式交换(在此处使用转发表查找输出端口) 从总览图可以看到SDN控制器把转发表发送此处。
- destination-based forwarding 基于目标转发: 只是依赖于IP地址,判断区间来判断输出端口(有超过40亿种表项)
Longest prefix matching:最长前缀匹配
often performed using ternary content addressable memories (TCAMs) specialised very high speed memory
content addressable: present address to TCAM: retrieve address in one clock cycle, regardless of table size
generalized forwarding 通用转发:
forward based on any set of header field values,不只依赖于IP做转发,诸多因素会影响其转发
Switching fabrics
transfer the packet from input buffer to appropriate output buffer
switching rate: rate at which packets can be transfer from inputs to outputs
• N inputs: switching rate N times line rate desirable
switch rate是 input rate的N倍(假如N个数据入口)
three types of switching fabrics
Switching via memory:内存交换
第一代路由器:本质为传统计算机 traditional computers with switching under direct control of CPU
packet copied to system’ s memory
speed limited by memory bandwidth (2 bus crossings per datagram数据报通过总线两次(读+写))
Switching via a bus: 总线交换
datagram from input port memory to output port memory via a shared bus
bus contention(总线竞争): switching speed limited by bus bandwidth
Switching via interconnection network :互联网络交换
overcome bus bandwidth limitations
advanced design: fragmenting datagram into fixed length cells, switch cells through the fabric.
Output ports
Datagram (packets) can be lost due to congestion, lack of buffers
▪ buffering required when datagrams arrive from fabric faster than the transmission rate
▪ scheduling discipline chooses among queued datagrams for transmission调度规则来选择调度
Input port queuing
switch rate slower than input ports combined -> queueing may occur at input queues
- queueing delay and loss due to input buffer overflow!
Head-of-the-Line (HOL) blocking 线路前部阻塞 : queued datagram at front of queue prevents others in queue from moving forward
Output port queueing
buffering when switch rate via switch exceeds output line speed
queueing (delay) and loss due to output port buffer overflow!
buffering equal to (N条TCP流对应的Buffer数量)
Scheduling mechanisms
调度机制:当分组到达输出端buffer时,选择某种mechanism将packets transmit到link
scheduling: choose next packet to send on link. 选哪一个packet输出
▪ FIFO scheduling – first in first out 先进先出
弃尾: If queue is full last packets are dropped.
▪ Priority scheduling 优先调度
Some packets are more important
▪ Round robin scheduling 循环调度
• If your queue is from several inputs ports treat them fairly
• Pick a packet from input port 1, then 2, then 3, then 4
• Port that is sending lots of traffic doesn’t block others. 不会阻塞别的端口
• **Weighted Fair Queue加权公平排队 (like this but give some queues a little more priority – give a little more traffic(流量) to port 1) **可以给某个端口更多的加权
IP :Internet Protocol
IP datagram format
IP fragmentation, reassembly
network links have MTU(Maximum Transfer Unit ) (largest possible link-level frame)
large IP datagram divided (“fragmented”) within net
• one datagram becomes several datagrams “reassembled” only at final destination
• IP header bits used to identify, and order related fragments
为了让目的主机绝对地相信它已收到了 初始数据报的最后一个片,最后片的标志比特(fragflag)被设为0 、而所有其他片的标志比特被设为1,为了让目的主机确定是否丢失了片(且能按正础的顺序重新组装片)使用偏移字段(offset)指定该片应放在初始 IP 数据报的哪个位置(不算头部)
20byte header+1480 segment data
MTU=1500bytes只能装1480的数据,此外offset是指该片的初始(第一个data)应该放在最终组合起来的数据报中的哪个位置(不算header,以8B为单位)最后一个的offset肯定是第一个非0 offset的整数倍
An IP packet has 4620 bytes in total of which 20 bytes are the IP header. It enters a network that has a Maximum Transfer Unit of 1900 bytes.
IPv4 addressing
IP address: 32-bit identifier for host, router interface
一个iP地址与一个接口相关联 associated with each interface,而不是与包括该接口的主机或路由器相关联
- interface: connection between host/router and physical link(主机与物理链路之间的边界叫作接口)
- routers typically have multiple interfaces(实现转发)
- host typically has one or two interfaces IPv4 address notation(以太网+无线网)
每个 IP 址长度为 32 比特(等价为4字节),因 此总共有大约 40 亿个可能的 iP , 这些地址通常按所谓点分十进制记法(dotted-decimal notation)书写,即地址中的每个字节用它的十进制形式书写,各字间以句点隔开
There are three common notations to show an IPv4 address:
• binary notation
• dotted-decimal notation (most commonly used)
• hexadecimal notation
ip地址为subnet part(网络)(高位)+host part(低位)
what*’*s a subnet ?
device interfaces with same subnet part of IP address
can physically reach each other without intervening router
to determine the subnets, detach each interface from its host or router, creating islands of isolated networks
subnet mask (or slash notation): number of bits taken to identify network
如: 表示子网(子网位)部分有24位
• /8 size of old class A
• /16 size of class B
• /24 size of class C
Three-Level Addressing
其中,的网络地址为130.66.0.0,子网地址为130.66.2.0 主机位为216。(、不可作为host地址,是广播地址)
Network mask and subnetwork mask
Subnetting increases length of netid and decreases length of hostid.
To divide a network to s number of subnetworks, each of equal numbers of hosts, the subnetid for each subnetwork can be calculated as
subnetid 包括 netid
Why subnetting ?
▪ The idea of splitting a block to smaller blocks is referred to as subnetting.
▪ In subnetting, a network is divided into several smaller subnetworks (subnets) with each subnetwork having its own subnetwork address
Classful IP addressing 分类编址
In classful addressing, the IP address space is divided into five classes: A, B, C, D, E.
Starting number, n (first byte), shows whether Class A, B or C
• Class A: n < 128 (($2^{24}-2$) hosts) 0
• Class B: 128 < n < 192 (($2^{16}-2$) hosts) 10
• Class C: 192 < n < 224 (($2^8-2$)hosts) 110
These addresses are “special” and not used on the general Internet. You use them to set up test networks or networks of machines not accessible from outside.、
Classless addressing
In this architecture, the entire address space ($2^{32}$ addresses) is divided into blocks of different sizes.(可以任意分网络部分和主机部分,不用每8bit分一次,n可以等于0-32任何数)
slash notation : CIDR (Classless InterDomain Routing) notation.
For a /n address, the first n bits are the network address and the last 32-n bits are for the host.
▪ Example
- Network part (22 bits – because it is /22),Host part 10 bits(32 bits – 22 bits)
- Network address:
Network address is the address with all the host bits set to zero – address like any other but represents the network. Network address 也可以分给主机
- Broadcast address:
Broadcast address (sends to everyone) is the address with all the host bits set to one.
VLSM(variable length subnet mask)
Only classless routing protocols support VLSM
start with the largest subnet to avoid waste,50(00110010)个host对应于 6bits (32<50<64),所以从后八位中取出前2位(后六位留给主机位) - (allocate to the largest subnet with 50 hosts:
同理20=00010100 = 5 bits
Reserve 5 bits for hosts – (already allocated) - (allocate to the subnet with 20 hosts: – (allocate to the other subnet with 20 hosts:
/30 is commonly used for point-to-point WAN link/serial link between routers
2=00000010 = 2 bitsReserve 2 bits for hosts - (allocated to link between routers: - (allocated to link between routers: - (allocated to link between routers:
Only classless routing protocols support VLSM.
DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
allow host to dynamically obtain its IP address from network server when it joins network
DHCP 许主机自动获取(被分配)IP 地址
• can renew its lease on address in use
• allows reuse of addresses (only hold address while connected/“ on ”)
• support for mobile users who want to join network (more shortly)
*DHCP :*新主机到达子网时的配置操作(这里配置的其实是私有网)
host broadcasts “DHCP discover” msg [optional]
DHCP发现报文(客户端寻找DHCP服务器)此时使用源IP和广播目的地址255.255.255.255. 该子网中所有节点都接收到此message(包括DHCP)
DHCP server responds with “DHCP offer” msg [optional]
每个子网里有多个DHCP,经过DHCP discover 广播后,多个DHCP server都提供了IP
host requests IP address: “DHCP request” msg
客户端在接收到所有DHCP offer后选择一个想要的IP,并将这个IP对应的DHCPserver的IP地址封装成DHCP请求一起广播出去,对于该DHCP来说,意味着接收了它的IP。对于其他DHCP来说意味着拒绝了它的ip
DHCP server sends address: “DHCP ack” msg
67 68是端口号(因为是UDP)
可以发现,DHCP 交互中,全程都是使⽤ UDP ⼴播通信
DHCP can return more than just allocated IP address on subnet:
• address of first-hop router for client(destination ip)
• name and IP address of DNS sever
• network mask (indicating network versus host portion of address)
Hierarchical addressing
把organization1 转入isp1时ISP向Internet请求信息的子网地址多了一条信息
NAT: network address translation
- 本地网络通过一个NAT router (一个IP地址)与外界联系
all datagrams leaving local network single source NAT IP address:, different source port numbers
- 专用地址:可以在子网中互发信息但是在外网看来,只有一个IP local network uses just one IP address
datagrams with source or destination in this network have 10.0.0/24 address for source, destination (as usual)
range of addresses not needed from ISP: just one IP address for all devices 这个地址不是由ISP划分的(是路由器中DCHP使用保留地址进行分配的:不是E类地址)
can change addresses of devices in local network without notifying outside world在本地网络中更改,与外界无关
can change ISP without changing addresses of devices in local network
devices inside local net not explicitly addressable, visible by outside world (a security plus)
▪ outgoing datagrams: replace (source IP address, port #) of every outgoing datagram to (NAT IP address, new port #). . . remote clients/servers will respond using (NAT IP address, new port #) as destination addr
▪ remember (in NAT translation table) every (source IP address, port #) to (NAT IP address, new port #) translation pair
记录在NAT translation table
▪ incoming datagrams: replace (NAT IP address, new port #) indest fields of every incoming datagram with the corresponding (source IP address, port #) stored in NAT table
传回来的数据从NAT translate table中查询,转化为LAN地址和端口
16-bit port-number field 端口号字段为16bit:
• 60,000 simultaneous connections with a single LAN-side address!(可以支持超过60000个并行连接)
routers should only process up to layer 3(但NAT router涉及到了port)
address shortage should be solved by IPv6
violates end-to-end argument (complexity should be at network “ends” not middle)
32-bit address space be completely allocated(using 128 bit)
IPv6 datagram format:
fixed-length 40-byte header
no fragmentation allowed
IPv6 datagram format
priority: identify priority among datagrams in flow
flow Label: identify datagrams in same “flow.”
next header: identify upper layer protocol for data
checksum: removed entirely to reduce processing time at each hop 和TCP,UDP重复 删掉了
options: allowed, but outside of header, indicated by “Next Header” field
IPv6 相⽐ IPv4 的⾸部改进:取消了⾸部校验和字段。 因为在数据链路层和传输层都会校验,因此 IPv6 直接取消了 IP 的校验。
取消选项字段。 选项字段不再是标准 IP ⾸部的⼀部分了,但它并没有消失,⽽是可能出现在 IPv6 ⾸部中的「下⼀个⾸部」指出的位置上。删除该选项字段使的 IPv6 的⾸部成为固定⻓度的 40 字节。
ICMPv6: new version of ICMP (see later lecture)
• additional message types, e.g. “Packet Too Big”
• multicast group management functions
Transition from IPv4 to IPv6
not all routers can be upgraded simultaneously 路由器内部封装的协议是IPv4,无法同时把世界上的router全upgrade
tunneling: IPv6 datagram carried as payload in IPv4 datagram among IPv4 routers
IPv6 and IPv4
Generalized Forward and SDN
SDN allows more flexibility in the control and data plane.
• Program your own control algorithms in language you know (Java, python etc).
• Forwarding can use any part of the packet header.
• Not a distributed system, but a single centralised control point.
• Programmable, not fixed – you can program the controller in a high-level language that you know.
• Create your own algorithms and test them on the network without spending a million dollars to create a new hardware router.
OpenFlow data plane
OpenFlow is a specific SDN protocol,帮助沟通控制平面和数据平面
flow: defined by header fields
generalized forwarding: simple packet-handling rules
match+action: different kinds of devices become one 集合这些设备的功能
Flow Table Entries
Control Plane
data plane: forwarding: move packets from router’s input to appropriate router output
control plane: routing: determine route taken by packets from source to destination
Routing protocols
Routing protocol goal: determine “good” paths (equivalently, routes), from sending hosts to receiving host, through network of routers 从发送方到接收方的过程中确定一条好路径
▪ path: sequence of routers packets will traverse in going from given initial source host to given final destination host
Graph abstraction of the network
graph: G = (N,E) N个节点E条边的集合
N = set of routers = { u, v, w, x, y, z }
E = set of links ={ (u,v), (u,x), (u,w), (v,x), (v,w), (x,w), (x,y), (w,y), (w,z), (y,z) }
c(x,x’) = cost of link (x,x’) 每个连接上的开销
cost could always be 1, or inversely related to bandwidth,or inversely related to congestion
routing algorithm: algorithm that finds that least cost path
Routing algorithm classification
global or decentralized information
▪ all routers have complete topology, link cost info
▪ “link state” algorithms
▪ router knows physically-connected neighbors, link costs to neighbors
▪ iterative process of computation, exchange of info with neighbors
▪ “distance vector” algorithms
static or dynamic
▪ routes change slowly over time路由随时间变化非常缓慢
▪ routes change more quickly
• periodic update
• in response to link cost changes
A link-state routing algorithm:Dijkstra*’*s algorithm
Dijkstra*’*s algorithm
via “link state broadcast” known net topology, link costs to all nodes
after k iterations, know least cost path to k dest.’ s
c(x,y): link cost from node x to y; = ∞ if not direct neighbors
D(v): current value of cost of path from source to dest. v
p(v): predecessor node along path from source to v
N’: set of nodes whose least cost path definitively known
1 Initialization:
2 N' = {u}
3 for all nodes v
4 if v adjacent to u
5 then D(v) = c(u,v)
6 else D(v) = ∞
8 Loop
9 find w not in N' such that D(w) is a minimum
10 add w to N'
11 update D(v) for all v adjacent to w and not in N' :
12 D(v) = min( D(v), D(w) + c(w,v) )
13 /* new cost to v is either old cost to v or known shortest path cost to w plus cost from w to v */
14 until all nodes in N'
- shortest-path tree from u:
- forwarding table in u:
algorithm complexity:
n nodes(不算源节点) 最坏情况迭代次数为 n(n+1)/2 comparisons: O(n2 )
oscillations possible:
support link cost equals amount of carried traffic: 以流量为负载的情况
Distance vector algorithm
Bellman-Ford equation (dynamic programming)
▪ node x:
• knows cost to each neighbor v: c(x,v)
• maintains its neighbors’ distance vectors(X的neighbor的位置向量). For each neighbor v, x maintains
DV characters
- iterative, asynchronous:
local iteration caused by local link cost change,Then DV update message from neighbor
- distributed:
each node notifies neighbors only when its DV changes
from time-to-time, each node sends its own distance vector estimate to neighbors
when x receives new DV estimate from neighbor, it updates its own DV using B-F eq
每个节点不时的向邻居发送距离向量,如果x的distance vector因为bellman-ford方程发生改变,节点x将会向每个邻居发送更新后的距离向量,这继而让所有neighbor都更新自己的距离向量。
the estimate Dx (y) converge to the actual least cost dx (y)最终收敛到实际最短开销
DV process
link cost changes
❖ node detects local link cost change
❖ updates routing info, recalculates distance vector
❖ if DV changes, notify neighbors
t0 : y detects link-cost change, updates its DV, informs its neighbors.
t1 : z receives update from y, updates its table, computes new least cost to x , sends its neighbors its DV.
t2 : y receives z ’s update, updates its distance table. y ’ s least costs do not change, so y does not send a message to z. 此时进入静止态。
❖ node detects local link cost change
❖ bad news travels slow - “ count to infinity” problem!(路由选择环路)
❖ 44 iterations before algorithm stabilizes ???
解决方法:poisoned reverse:(毒性逆转)
❖ If Z routes through Y to get to X :
▪ Z tells Y its (Z’s) distance to X is infinite (so Y won’ t route to X via Z)
综上:LS :source router需要全局的信息,而DV中每一个router只需要与邻居进行通信,neighbor会告诉它neighbor 已知的信息
intra-AS routing in the Internet
现实中的路由器并不完全相同,而且拥有上亿(billions )的规模,can ’t store all destinations in routing tables,永远无法收敛。
此外由于英特网是ISP的网络,每个ISP都want to control routing in its own network
autonomous systems(AS)
aggregate routers into regions
intra-AS routing 域内路由选择
将一个ISP的路由器和它们之间的链路聚合成一个AS,相同AS中路由器运行着相同的路由选择算法(all routers in AS must run same intra-domain protocol)
- gateway router: at “edge” of its own AS, has link(s) to router(s) in other AS’es
inter-AS routing 域间路由选择
gateways perform inter-domain routing
forwarding table configured by both intra and inter-AS routing algorithm
intra-AS routing determine entries for destinations within AS
suppose router in AS1receives datagram destined outside of AS1
AS1接收到其他AS中发来的datagram,它需要发到gateway router,必须知道目的地的是否可到达,同时把这个datagram的可传达性传达给别的AS,这个工作是由inter- AS routing负责
router should forward packet to gateway router, but which one?
内部网关使用的协议:interior gateway protocols (IGP)
外部网关使用的协议:Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)
Intra-AS Routing:OSPF
most common intra-AS routing protocols:
• RIP: Routing Information Protocol 适合路由数量较少
• OSPF: Open Shortest Path First
• IGRP: Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
open指 publicly available公众可用
link-state algorithm 使用LS
route computation using Dijkstra’s algorithm,一台路由器构建整个AS的完整topology
router floods(泛洪) OSPF link-state advertisements to all other routers in entire AS
carried in OSPF messages directly over IP
security: all OSPF messages authenticated 所有信息需要授权(to prevent intrusion)
multiple same-cost paths allowed (only one path in RIP)
integrated uni- and multi-cast support 对单播和多播综合支持
Multicast OSPF (MOSPF) uses same topology data base as OSPF
hierarchical 支持层次结构
Internet inter-AS routing: BGP
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) 边界网关协议(每个AS统一的协议)
autonomous system 间的协议
BGP provides each AS a means to:
• eBGP 外部BGP: 连接不同AS之间的链路
obtain subnet reachability information from neighboring ASes (从相邻的ASes那里获得子网可达信息) 告诉别的子网"我在那",接收到所有子网的"我在那"
• iBGP 内部BGP: 一个AS内部的BGP链路
propagate reachability information to all AS internal routers.(将获得的子网可达信息传遍到AS内部的所有路由器)
BGP选择一条最好的路径去其他AS,基于reachability information and policy
BGP session: two BGP routers (“ peers ”) exchange BGP messages over semi-permanent TCP connection: 两个BGP router通过半永久TCP交换路由选择信息
向AS1 AS2通告前缀x的可达性信息
when AS3 gateway router 3a advertises path AS3 ,X to AS2 gateway router 2c
由于3a 参与AS3内所有路由运算,所有3a可以收集所有路由可达信息,并一起发给2c,相当于3a向2c承诺说 你可以通过我到达x
Path attributes and BGP routes
为了在多条路径中选择下一条,BGP在prefix里加入BGP attributes
prefix + attributes = “route” 前缀加属性=路由
- two important attributes:
• AS-PATH: list of ASes through which prefix advertisement has passed 记录前缀通过了的AS,每通过一个AS,向列表中记录一个
• NEXT-HOP: indicates specific internal-AS router to next hop AS
如当路由为AS2 AS3 x,Nest hop为2a左侧接口的IP地址
Policy-based routing:
gateway receiving route advertisement uses import policy to accept/decline path
当一个网关路由器接收到了一个路由通告, 使用输入策略来接受或过滤
AS2 router 2c receives path advertisement AS3,X (via eBGP) from AS3 router 3a
Based on AS2 policy, AS2 router 2c accepts path AS3,X, propagates (via iBGP) to all AS2 routers
Based on AS2 policy, AS2 router 2a advertises (via eBGP) path AS2, AS3, X to AS1 router 1c
▪ Based on policy, AS1 gateway router 1c chooses path AS3,X, and advertises path within AS1 via iBGP
BGP route selection
▪ router may learn about more than one route to destination AS, selects route based on:
local preference value attribute: policy decision
shortest AS-PATH
closest NEXT-HOP router: hot potato routing
additional criteria
easier network management: avoid router misconfigurations, greater flexibility of traffic flows
传统per-router control plane无法解决的问题:
通用“ flowbased” 基于流的匹配+行动
The control plane is “logically” centralised (it seems as if there is just one controller though there may be several for redundancy)
Data plane switches
fast, simple, commodity switches implementing generalized data-plane forwarding in hardware
API for table-based switch control
SDN controller (network OS):
interacts with network control applications “above” via northbound API
interacts with network switches “below” via southbound API
southbound protocol –connects controller to switch
northbound protocol --connects controller to apps
network-control apps
implement control functions using lower-level services, API provided by SDN controller
OpenFlow protocol
运行在SDN controller switch 之间,基于TCP
SDN: control/data plane interaction example
S1, experiencing link failure using OpenFlow port status message to notify controller
假设s1 s2之间端口,采用OpenFlow报文通告控制器
SDN 控制器接收OpenFlow报文,更新链路状态信息
ICMP: internet control message protocol
used by hosts & routers to communicate network-level information
- ICMP 的第一个功能是确认 IP 包是否能够成功到达目标地址,当两个设备通过互联网相连时,任意一个设备发送给另一个设备的 IP 包如果没有到达,就会生成 ICMP 数据包发送给设备共享。
- ICMP 的第二个功能是进行
,经常使用 ICMP 数据包的两个终端程序是ping
,traceroute 程序用于显示两台互联网设备之间可能的路径并测量数据包在 IP 网络上的时延。ping 程序是 traceroute 的简化版本,我们经常使用 ping 命令来测试两台设备之间是否互联,ping 通常用来测试两台主机之间的连接速度,并准确报告数据包到达目的地并返回后所花费的时间。
network-layer “above” IP: 位于IP之上
• ICMP msgs carried in IP datagrams其msgs包含在IP数据头中
- ICMP message: type, code plus first 8 bytes of IP datagram causing error
Traceroute and ICMP
source sends series of UDP segments to destination 源主机发送一系列不可达的UDP报文段,并且设置第一个数据报RTT为1 第二个为2…主机也为数据报启动定时器
when datagram in nth set arrives to nth route, router discards datagram and sends source ICMP message (type 11, code 0) router丢弃数据报后,返回ICMP警告给源主机,这个报文包括 name of router & IP address.
when ICMP message arrives, source records RTTs.当这个ICMP message到达源主机,源主机记录RTT,记录第n台路由器的IP和名字
stopping criteria(停止条件):
▪ UDP segment eventually arrives at destination host
▪ destination returns ICMP “port unreachable”message (type 3, code 3)
▪ source stops